Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pokey People

One of my pet peeves is bad drivers. I have written about this before. But, there is a segment of the population that really irks me, and that is Pokey People. These are people who apparently are afraid to drive but have to anyway. If the speed limit is 55, that doesn't really mean that you should go 40. Especially if you are the car in front with no one behind you. And, don't use age or sex as a reason for you to go slow. Case in point. I was on the highway yesterday. As you know, I don't like to drive on the interstates. I prefer two-lane roads. They are more scenic and safer. So, I am riding along at 55, yes 55, because my car doesn't usually go faster. And, I come upon two people in a car doing 40. It is the time of day, where there are cars coming the other way, so I can't pass. We went through a school zone, but the lights weren't flashing, and the car slowed to 35. I can't pass. We go through the school zone, and the car speeds back up to 40. I am going crazy. I can't pass. For a good 6 miles of this, I honked my horn and waved my hands. They were oblivious. We get to a town, where the speed limit is 35. They slow to 25. I can't pass. They finally turned into the Dollar Store parking lot, and I sped by. So did the other six cars behind me. Maybe by driving so slow, they were saving money for the store. But, they weren't old. They were actually two twenty-something people. Makes you wonder where they learned how to drive. They couldn't have thought that my rusty Nissan was a police car behind them. Maybe they were paranoid about not having insurance or too many points on their license. It is hard to say. But, here is an announcement to all those pokey people out there. If you see a white, rusting Nissan Sentra in your rearview mirror, pull off to the side and let the parade of cars behind you pass. Thank you.

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