Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts

In thinking about Thanksgiving tomorrow, there is so much to be thankful for. I know that may come as a surprise to some of you, as if you know about my homeless situation, but just know that I am still thankful for some things. First of all, I am thankful to God. He has shown me many things that I have seen over the last few months. Things like character, humility, and the generousity of strangers. I am thankful for friends. Many of whom have stuck by me. I have seen that there are some who have abandoned me, I guess because of my situation. That's okay. I have also made new friends in the mission. I guess I wouldn't have even noticed them a few months back, but now I know them, and they are friends. I am also thankful for Oliver Gospel Mission which rescued me at my lowest point. They have identified with my plight and tried to get me going on the right road again. I am thankful for Mary, because she saw I needed help. Help is something that I thought I would never need, but she recognized it and got me started. I am thankful for Joni who has kept me thinking positive. There is a light at the edge of the tunnel. I can't think negative. I am thankful for my new church. It is my old church but what was old is new again. I am thankful for people I don't even know. They have taken an interest in me. So, I know that this holiday is to be thankful for what people have. I am thankful for what I don't have. Sounds strange? Well, if you have ever been in this position, you would understand. As you are sitting across the table at dinner tomorrow, be thankful that you are sharing your dinner with someone else, and think of those of us with no one. Have a good day.

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