Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day

Today is tax day. April 15th. The day a lot of people dread. When I lived in Fort Worth, I worked with a girl named Alex. She was a CPA, and she also worked at the same store as me. Alex was very short. That tidbit has nothing to do with the story, but I wanted to throw it out. Anyway, she told me that she would do my taxes for free. Free is good, so I said yes. I gave her my information in early February. Every few days, I would ask Alex if she had done my taxes. She said no, that she would get around to doing them, but she had people paying her to do their taxes. This went on for quite a while until April 14th. I was getting very nervous. Alex still had not done my taxes. I was never good in math, and she was. But, I had to ask her to give my info back to me, as I had to do them for myself. She said that she intended to them, but there were just too many paying customers, so I got my stuff back. I got to the post office before closing on April 15th, all nervous because I could see me going to jail. Thankfully, everything was fine. Since then, I do my taxes myself. For some reason, I have been audited twice in my life. Both times, things worked out okay. They were just math problems. Last year, I discovered that I could do my taxes online for free and get back my refunds quicker. That was wonderful. In the past, my refund from the state was about the same as what I owed in federal. It was a wash, give or take a few dollars. This year, I didn't have to pay state, because I didn't really work in the state of SC. I got a refund back from federal, which I had never done before. It wasn't a lot, but at least it was something. So, the moral of the story is don't put off doing your taxes. And, do them online. It is pretty easy. And, I don't have to do math. Now, if only someone wants to help me financially? They could probably deduct it from next year's tax. My PayPal acct. is

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