Friday, February 27, 2009

Octuplet Mom

For the life of me, I do not understand why the "Octuplet Mom" is on all of the entertainment shows. Has our society stooped so low that a woman with eight babies is entertainment? I can see that it was news, when she had them, because people don't have 8 babies very often. But, entertainment? We don't need to know that she and her mother argue. We don't need to know that her father considers her emotionally unstable. We don't need to know that she lives in a small house that is about to be foreclosed. A neighbor was cited by the police for threatening the paparazzi with a gun. He just wanted them to get off of his property. The mom has been given a $1 million offer from an adult video company to appear in one of their movies. And, if she agrees to more than one, they will pay all of her hospital expenses. Is our country just a little crazy? And, who is the worst? Entertainment Tonight. And, guess which show has no way to contact them either through email or snail mail? Entertainment Tonight. I never really liked Wheel of Fortune, and it comes on here opposite Entertainment Tonight, but I have started changing the channel, when another story on the mom comes on ET. I do not condone the actions of the mom. I personally think she has some serious problems. And those babies, as well as her other children, are going to suffer greatly. But, let's all get a life and leave her alone.

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