Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th. It is for superstitious people. Don't step on a crack. Don't spill salt. Don't break a mirror. And so on. I am not very superstitious, really only about the theatre. If I am performing, I do a few things that I do everytime. So, here is another secret. Before I go on, I use the same towel that I used at Anderson College, if I have to use make-up. The towel is a little gross, but it is like a security blanket. Another thing I do is exercise. I learned this at Presbyterian College. I was doing a play at a church once, and a woman saw me doing my exercises and thought I was Pentacostal. The last thing I do is find a quiet place and say a prayer. I started this at Anderson College. It is a simple prayer that asks God to give me peace and a clear head, and with hope that someone in the audience will get something out of my performance. So, that's what I do. This day also reminds us of horror films. You know, the Friday the 13th series, Halloween, Alien, and so many more. Horror films don't scare me much. In fact, Alien was a comedy for me, because when I saw it, it was in a theatre with a bunch of soldiers, and they laughed all through it. The scariest movie I have ever seen was The Ghost and Mister Chicken with Don Knotts. Why? The organ music. It put me under my chair. So, take this day with a grain of salt. It shouldn't be that bad, unless you see a black cat.

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