Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Storm

We had a storm last night and caused the power to go out for an hour and a half. It was hotter inside than out with no AC, plus the humidity built up inside, which made it worse. So, folks started venturing out of their homes, and we had interaction between strangers. It was actually kind of strange to see. Neighbors were talking, who normally wouldn't give each other the time of day. Black and white had a common ground--no electricity. Also, I thought about the things we take for granted. Electricity is the main one. Without sounding simplified, think about all of those that don't have a cool room or a way to cook easily. Say a prayer for them. When Hurricane Hugo came through, we were without power for 10 days. We coped. The neighborhood came together. A man had a generator, and we ran power cords all over the neighborhood for essentials. Other things we take for granted--family and friends. When I went to the reunion in Richmond a couple of weeks ago, I discovered family I didn't know I had. Reunions and funerals are situations that you will understand the importance of family. As to friends, my goal in life is to never take my friends for granted, whether they want me to or not. I reach out to those, who I haven't seen seen in years, just to say hello. Others, I keep in touch with on a daily basis. They know who they are. Friends are extremely important to my survival. If you have read my blog for any length of time, you would know that I would be dead now if not for friends. I don't know how much longer I have on this earth, but I know that I will never take my friends for granted. Thanks.

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