Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our Governor

There was something on the news last night that was quite disturbing. Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina was missing. When the media tried to find out where he was, his staff said they didn't know. He had been gone for four days. When the media called SLED, they said they didn't know. He had left without a security detail. When the media contacted his wife, she said said she didn't know but wasn't worried. And, when the media contacted the Lieutenant Governor, he said he didn't know. So, Andre's office calls the Governor's office, and they tell him they don't know where the Governor is. Later, they put out a statement that they know, but they are not going to tell anyone. Later, they put out another statement that he is hiking in the mountains. Okay, I have to say I am a little partial about all of this on several levels. Mainly because I am supporting Andre in his political future, and because my Charleston cousins are friends with Sanford. I also can't criticize anyone who needs a vacation. But, here are the problems I have with this issue:
1. Why didn't he tell his wife? And, why wasn't she worried? And, why was he gone on Father's Day? I would imagine that he is with somebody else, hiking in the mountains. I would hope he isn't going to be eaten by a bear or bitten by a snake. But, if that was to happen, I would hope that someone else would be with him to get help. If I was one of his kids, I would not be happy, because my father missed Father's Day, and I didn't know where he was. To me, that would be abandonment. And, if I was his wife and not worried, it would be because there was a pattern of behavior there.
2. Why didn't he take a security detail with him? He is the Governor of the state of South Carolina. After 9/11, the rules changed. Barriers went up around government buildings. Checkpoints were in place entering government buildings. There was a reason for all of that. To protect our leaders. Even Andre, who didn't like security, found it was a necessary evil. Was our Governor too interested in saving the taxpayers some money with a security detail? With so mank kooks running around, there needs to be somebody with him.
3. Why wasn't the Lieutenant Governor's office told where the Governor was? This should just be a given. In the event that the Governor leaves the state for whatever reason, the Lieutenant Governor should be informed. It is called common courtesy. It isn't like Andre is going to change things, while the Governor is away. But, that's why we have a Lieutenant Governor. To give the people of the state a sense of everything is okay. Would Obama just up and leave without telling anyone? He might would like to, but he can't.
4. And, here is the clincher. Some people have been wanting Sanford to run for President in 2012. He, apparently, is the new face of the Republican Party, and true conservatives like his stance on standing up to the legislature on not wanting the stimulus money. Whatever your feeling on that issue is, it had to be decided in the courts. Sanford was ridiculed in the state, which is probably why he left to go on vacation, but his stock went way up on the national stage. But, one very important quality that a President needs to have is good judgement. If Sanford wanted to be President, he probably will need to look for a new line of work after leaving office next year. Anyone running a campaign for his opponent would just have to pull up the old news footage from the last day or so, and ask people--"Where is Mark Sanford?" And all you would get for answers would be a resounding--"I don't know."
South Carolina has been the brunt of jokes for many years. We are at the bottom in categories such as employment and education. Some people think of us as rednecks and hicks. We are stupid. We all have Confederate flags hanging from our cars. We are all racists. We are all poor. But, today, we are all owed an apology from our Governor. If he can't do that, then maybe he needs to look for another job. He is the Governor of the state of South Carolina. All 4 million of us. He was elected twice by the people of the state of South Carolina. He owes us something.

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