Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day. It is a day set aside to remember those who have died in the service to our country in war. A day that we remember what it takes to preserve our freedoms. I don't really like the term "the ultimate sacrifice", because some who died probably didn't see it that way, but we still should pause and reflect on those who have gone before us. I only know of one ancestor of mine who died in battle. It was a man on my father's side who died in the Civil War. Everyone else, who fought in wars, came home. My father didn't serve. His eyesight was not good. My brother didn't serve. He couldn't wear boots. I didn't serve. The lottery draft ended just before my number was called. But, I have a deep respect for the military. I guess that comes from growing up so close to Fort Jackson. Seeing those guys every weekend downtown. I didn't know many of their names, but I knew who they were. We would go out to the fort on Armed Forces Day. It was all part of the community. Today is not just about the soldiers. It is also about my parents. This is May 25th. The 72nd anniversary of my parents' wedding. They were married on this date in 1937 in Heflin Alabama. Of course, I wasn't there. But, I have seen pictures of the event. I was named for my grandfather who gave my Mother away. Judge Walter Merrill. My Uncle Walter was there. He always thought I was named for him. From what my parents told me, it was a hot day. I guess it had to be in May in Alabama. It was a happy day. After all, they were marrying off their second daughter. Their first daughter also married a minister. The Merrills were a proud people. They were also very upstanding in the community. They would see there sons go off to war. One missed Pearl Harbor by a day. The Dursts were a proud people too. One of their sons was at Normandy in 1944. You really couldn't get them to talk about war much. It was as if there was an unwritten rule by veterans not to talk about it. You just had to be there. So, this day means a lot to me as the day my parents married. For the rest of you, it is the day we remember our fallen heroes. My parents have gone on to their reward. A lot of soldiers have gone on to their reward, too. Take a moment and remember.

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