Thursday, May 21, 2009

Job Fair

I went to another job fair yesterday, and a job interview the day before that. The interview went pretty well, and may lead to a second interview next week. The job fair provided a couple of good possibilities. But, here is a tip for employers who come to job fairs. Bring the jobs with you. Most of the employers were just handing out their website addresses and telling us to go online and apply. If you are going to do that, why bother to show up? Let companies who truly are looking for employees come to the job fair. There were a lot of people there yesterday and about 35 companies. I would say 30 of thise companies just handed out their websites. One company had a 20-something girl with a see-through shirt interviewing prospects. And then there was the prospects. When one suggests you "dress for success", does that mean jeans and t-shirts? Probably not. You could really tell the professional workers from those with no clue. But, it was an interesting day. Here's hoping.

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