Friday, September 12, 2008

Personality Stages

I connected with an old friend via Facebook. His name is Jim Ferguson. His father was the Minister of Music at First Baptist Church in Columbia, when I was a kid. His son was a little older than me, but he was very talented. He went on to be a musician in Nashville. So, I got to thinking about stages in life. Forget getting more mature. Think about are we the same as when we were kids? I hope not. My life is full of stages. I was not very good in my teen years. I got in trouble with "the law". I did stuff that I should have gone to jail for. Maybe it was because I was under 18. Or maybe I talked my way out of it. But, I learned and moved on. Then, I became very self-destructive. Thankfully, my life changed in 1970. I found a reason to live. I learned and moved on. Then came my college life and drama experiences. I found creativity and self-worth. I learned and moved on. Then came my "adult" life. I don't like to think of me as an adult. In my mind, I am still a little kid. Despite all of my success in my creative life and my working life, in many ways I am still a little kid. When I look in a mirror, I have a little shock. Is that me? No, it is someone else who inhabits the mirror. Do I live in a fantasy life? I suppose so. I have hopes and dreams. I wish others would allow me to fulfill my hopes and dreams. Maybe that is the ultimate hope and dream. So, where am I now? You tell me. I am in my dream mode right now.

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