Friday, May 2, 2008

Evil People

I have always tried to find the good in people. My parents said that was an admirable trait that I had. No matter how bad someone seems, there has to be a good quality that they have. But, I have run across an evil person. As I get older, I have seen that sometimes folks try to be evil to make up for their lack of being competent. I think that is the problem here. There is a woman I know who is the manager of a large store. It is the first time she has managed anything. To make herself big, and to consolidate her power, she has fired others or caused them to quit. She is very uncaring. If someone left, I would say not to take it personally. It's business. But, she makes it personal. I believe she is evil. I am a firm believer of what goes around, comes around. I just hope that she leaves before she makes more good people leave. I don't suggest that any harm come to her, but somebody higher up than her needs to open their eyes. It is the Peter Principle in action. My eyes opened, and I can see clearly now. It is going to be a bright sunshiny day.

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