Thursday, April 24, 2008

Senior Discounts

When I worked at Macy's, one of the days I hated was senior discount days. Anyone over 55 got a 10% discount. You could tell if someone was in their 70's or higher, but sometimes it was tough to tell if someone was borderline. And, I thought it was tacky to ask if someone was over 55. Now that I have grey in my hair, I am starting to get senior discounts, even though I am not quite old enough for them. I have gotten them at restaurants, grocery stores and movie theatres. All without asking. The employee just assumed. And, do you think I ever questioned the discount? Of course not. My brother got insulted the first time he got a cheap coffee, because someone assumed that he was older than he was. He got over it. I have gotten over it. When I was younger, but over 21, I used to get carded at clubs. Now, I am not quite a senior citizen, but they are giving me discounts. Isn't it great to be an American?

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