Saturday, August 1, 2009

Little Mountain

There is a town in South Carolina called Little Mountain. It is called that, because there is a little mountain in the town. In fact, it is the highest point east of the mountains. The area is relatively flat around the mountain. I don't know why it is there. So, every year they have a reunion. Folks come from miles around to enjoy a weekend with family and friends. Some folks come from out of state for this annual gathering. On Friday night, they had a dance. Today, they had a big parade and party. I was asked to be in the parade to support Andre Bauer. I would guess that there was around 5000 people there today, and I gave out a bunch of stickers and notepads. And, it was hot. I am not really sure how far I walked today, but I would say at least 2 miles. Little Mountain is a little town, but we went up and down the main road at least twice. I met the mayor of the town and also got to see Joe Pinner, who is the honorary mayor of the town. And, we ran into some opposition to Andre, but I just tried to be as nice as possible. On my many trips through Little Mountain over the years, I have found them to be pretty nice people, and they didn't disappoint me today. There really isn't anything like small town America. Bands, floats, tractors, motorcycles, beauty queens, cheerleaders, politicans, old cars, and other things. We left, but there was barbecue being served and a concert cranking up. They had rides for the kids. All in all, a good time this morning. If I am still around, there is a Peanut Festival next weekend in Pelion. I have to look forward to it, as my life is so depressing now. If I don't run out of money by then. Please help me. My PayPal acct. is Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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