Sunday, July 26, 2009

An Update

Well, I took 3 weeks off from my blog to remember my trip to Europe. Hopefully, some of you found it entertaining. Others might have been bored. Sorry about that. I hope that everyone gets to go to Europe and the Holy Land at least once in their lives. My father used to say that travel broadens one. He was right. So, what has happened to me in the past three weeks. Well, first, we passed a milestone. My Mother passed away 5 years ago this past July 8th. It doesn't seem like 5 years, and I miss her every day. She was a light in my otherwise dark world. Her smile and bright eyes kept me going. We will meet up again one day. Another thing that happened was a job interview. Hopefully, something will come of that. I am running out of money. I still am staying at the motel, although I would love to get my own place. Unfortunately, most folks want you to have a job to get a place. Or, you need to be a certain age. I have been telling people that I am self-employed, as "unemployed" sounds so depressing. I have been selling some autographs on the internet through eBay. That has helped. I have also been volunteering for Andre Bauer and have been to an event or two. Maybe I can get a paid gig with him. I also do a lot of walking. Joni put the fire under me to do that. Exercise is great to get the mind and body together. Speaking of Joni, her father was put in the hospital with heart issues. He got a pacemaker and should be better. He just needs to learn to slow down. I have personal experience in these matters from my father. Type A personalities have a tough time slowing down. Good luck with that. My car continues to act up. I got the oil changed, but it is still not good. Maybe I need a bicycle. I had lunch last week with Joni and her sister Tracy. Tracy has gone through some tough times with breast cancer, but they got the word from the doctor last week that she can say she is "cancer-free". That is wonderful news. While Joni was away from the table, I told Tracy about how her sister has helped me stay positive during these dark days. I knew she could relate to this. Tracy said she could see in my eyes that I want to live. I have thought about that a lot since that lunch. I do want to live. I want to make an impact in society. I want to do things I love to do. I want to be around people who love me. So, that's pretty much what has happened over the last 3 weeks. If anyone would like a copy of my resume, I would be glad to send it to you. Just email me. It is And, if you could spare a couple of dollars, my PayPal account is the same as my email address. Thanks a lot and may God continue to bless us all.

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