Friday, April 3, 2009

Hugging People

Some families are huggers. Our family wasn't much on hugging. I don't know why, because I like hugging. But, it was blatantly obvious I didn't know how to hug in Philadelphia in 1981. We had done mission work in 1980, and a girl went with us. She decided to stay on and do work for the year there. When we returned in 1981, she showed up at our church. I went running over to her to hug her, and my shoulder caught her under her chin. I about knocked her out. I just wasn't a good hugger. I was very self-conscious about my hugging technique, and I didn't really develop one until my father died. A lot of people came by and hugged me, and I finally learned how to hug. You may find this to be funny, but it has been a serious thing for me. I really like to put my arm around someone for a hug. When my mother died, I was much better at hugging. I knew how to hug. I was an old pro at hugging. Funerals seem to be for hugging. I hate to say that is where I seem to do the most hugging, but I don't have anyone to hug, unless I go to a funeral. Yes, I have hugged people besides funerals, but it seems too few and far between. Now, for another secret. I dare say it, but I have tried to be totally honest here. I can't kiss. Okay, I said it. Due to the fact that my family wasn't big on kissing either, I didn't develop a good kissing technique. Another reason why I am still single, I guess. Any teachers out there?

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