Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

As Easter is approaching tomorrow, I wanted to take a minute and talk a little bit about that. If you go to church tomorrow, you will probably see little girls with new dresses, and little boys with new suits. You may see a lot of women dressed in pastel colors, and a lot of men dressed in khakis or whites. You may see a flowered cross out front. Some people will have Easter Egg Hunts. I used to hate them, because I never won. The shorter kids won, because they were closer to the ground. Despite the fact that Spring is already here, Easter sort of verifies that. It should be a time to remember why we have Easter. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and then rose from the dead to show that we have eternal life with Him. It isn't about fashion. It isn't about wondering if your color chicks will live (mine didn't). It isn't about prizes from hunting eggs. It is about why we are Christians. Christmas gets most of the press, but Easter should get all of the glory. When I was in college, I was one of three people who played the Easter Bunny for a local photographer. We did it at Anderson Mall. It was me and two attractive girls. The costume was so hot that we couldn't do it much longer than an hour at a time without passing out. I had trouble looking through the eye holes, so somebody would have to lead me around the mall, as we gave candy away. Kids would get all excited to see the Easter Bunny, until they got up close, and then they would freak out and cry because the head was so big. I hated crying children. Word got out that there were two good-looking girls playing the Easter Bunny. One day, while I was doing it, 3 businessmen showed up. They got one guy to go up and sit on my lap. As he put his arm around me, he said "Hey baby, how are you?" I looked up at him, and said "Fine thank you". He looked through my eye hole, and saw he was sitting on a guy's lap. His face turned all red. After we took the picture, he went back to his 2 buddies and talked about how great the girl looked. He couldn't tell them that it was me. A funny moment. I have a lot of funny moments like that. I know that, when I die, I would live in Heaven. That is the meaning of Easter. I don't really want to go just yet, but things are happening right now. If you have read my blog for very long, you will know about those things. With $100 to my name, I am closer to my Heavenly reward than I care to be. I can't get unemployment insurance, and welfare doesn't seem to be an option either. If you can drop a few dollars my way, I would be very appreciative and discreet. My PayPal account is Thanks and Happy Easter.

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