Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Your Choices

Yesterday, we looked at how each person has their own life, which is made up of what happens to us through our lives. We are all in a community, but at the same time, our community decides who we are. Today, we look at our choices in life. I have made many choices. Some good. Some not so good. Some just plain awful. Looking back on it, I cannot apologize to any choice I have made. Do I regret any? Of course. That is what life is all about. But, you make the choices and go on. I chose to major in Drama and Speech. A lot of friends were majoring in economics. They are wealthy now. Although, maybe not so much since the stock market has been dropping, but they are doing okay. Yes, I did achieve a measure of fame in movies and TV, but that was fleeting. I went to other things. It really was not my fault that I couldn't get a teaching job, since my school wasn't going to recommend me, but I guess it was my choice not to pursue it. So, I moved on. I chose to go into retail. It was not a high-paying gig, but it seemed like something I was good at. But the business changed. It became more cut-throat at the expense of its employees and customers. It was killing me. I made the choice to leave. I made the choice not to get married. I wanted to, mind you, but the event never happened. Maybe one day. That is a work in progress. I now want to make a choice to get working again. I want to do something that will help others. To make this world a better place. Maybe one day. I hope it is sooner than later. Is anyone listening? One thing that I have learned since leaving Macy's is that there is a world out there. There is responsibility. I think I have become a better person. My faith has become stronger. I still do stupid things, but hopefully not as many as I have done in the past. There must be a future for me. I just have to find it. Can you help me find it?

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