Sunday, June 8, 2008


I got my car fixed at no extra cost. Good news. Now, to a topic we can all identify with--the price of oil. Everyone is complaining how much gas costs, which translates to the cost of food and everything else. Complaining is good, because we are all in the same boat. It gives us a common bond. But, let's look how we came to this point. Did you know that people caused this problem? There are a group of people called speculators. They make up numbers on how much they think the price should be, based on usage and the possibility of hurricanes or other natural disasters. The price may not be what the oil is worth, but it is the price these people think it should be worth. Then, guess what? Other people (oil company stockholders) make gobs of money, because these speculators inflate the prices. So, people are getting very rich at your expense. Politicians make all these promises about drilling for more oil or building more refineries. Do you know how long that would take??? We don't have time. These politicians won't get elected until November. That is 5 months away. Then, they won't take office until January 2009. That is 7 months away. In the meantime, everyone is suffering. Politicians make more money than you or I will probably ever see. They have drivers and an expense account. They do not feel the pinch that the rest of us do. They live in ivory towers. They are a lot of hot air and do not truly care about the people. All they care about is getting relected to their cushy jobs. So, what can we do? Demand that they do something now, or else we are not going to vote for them. Demand that they prosecute speculators for driving up the prices. Demand that they prosecute oil company executives that profit on the poor. Demand that the President sign an executive order to suspend the federal tax on gas. Demand that the oil reserves be tapped to increase supply. And, if all else fails, use our Army to take over the oil fields of Iraq. They are over there anyway. You can make a difference.

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