Monday, May 12, 2008


I have to say that I am a very spiritual person. Sometimes, it is a little hard to be spiritual, but it has been a part of my life since day one. When I was 14, my parents sent me to summer camp in the mountains called Camp Greenville. I was having some pretty tough emotional problems, and they thought camp would be a good thing. There is a chapel on the side of the mountain called "Pretty Place". It is an open-air chapel with benches, and it looks out over the valley below. You must see it before you die. The campers went there the last Sunday before we were to leave for a service. The sun was just coming up. I saw a golden city on the horizon. I was not on drugs. I pinched myself, thinking I was dreaming, but I wasn't. The golden city had three skyscrapers, with the middle one being taller than the other two. There is no city like that within 50 miles of that place. I saw it, but no one else did. I was scared that I was going to die that day. When my parents picked me up that afternoon, I was sure that we were going to die in a car accident, but we didn't. I am convinced that it was a vision from God of Heaven. I cannot explain it any other way. The second vision came, when I was a freshman in college. One Sunday night, I was sitting alone in the baseball bleachers just thinking. It was a good place to get away and be by myself. There was a little fog and mist in the air. I looked across the field toward my dorm, and I saw a black and white picture in the air of a man sitting in a chair and surrounded by a woman and a girl. The girl I recognized as the girl I loved at the time who was Sandra. But, I didn't know who the other two people were. I got up from the bleachers and ran toward the picture in the air. The closer I got to it, the bigger it got. Then, when I got over to it, it went away. I was not on drugs here either. About a year later, I saw Sandra's parents for the first time. They were the man and woman in the vision. Psychic? Maybe. But, it was quite obvious that it was a sign of comfort and family, and I knew that Sandra and I were meant to be together, at least at that time. Things didn't work out in the long run, but it was nice while it lasted. You may not believe in visions, but I do.

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