Friday, March 14, 2008

Joe College

All of a sudden, I had more friends than I knew what to do with. I was on the Literary Magazine staff. I wrote for the school newspaper. I was head of the McGovern for President committee. I did anti-war stuff. I was in Who's Who in American Junior Colleges. I was in Delta Psi Omega Honor Drama Fraternity. I had a job on campus at the post office. I was in Campus Crusade for Christ. I was a member of the Denmark Society. I was the go-to guy for drama. I was on the debate team, and we were ranked as one of the top debate teams in the US. We defeated a team from Harvard. I worked on the Miss Anderson College beauty pageant, and the May Day celebration. I was Mr. Popular. I even had a girlfriend. It was great. I think I was probably the happiest I had ever been. And probably haven't been since. More on debate and love later.

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